If you’re an employer, sewing hundreds, if not thousands of masks is unreasonable. You want to keep your employees safe but you also don’t want to take needed supplies from the healthcare industry.
What do you do?
It is a wild west marketplace right now. If ever there was time that buyers need to beware, it is now. Companies claiming they can source personal protective equipment (PPE) are springing up like weeds. All the misinformation on social media and news outlets can make your head spin—when all you really want to do is restock your supply of PPE so that your team of healthcare workers can do their jobs safely and effectively. We want to help you win the battle against COVID-19. This is the objective.
These are unprecedented times. We have all seen news stories about the alarming infection rates and may know individuals who […]
MaxSource International, a leading sourcing company has announced the availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including NIOSH compliant N95 masks, […]