Case Studies
Case Study 1. Kitchen Sinks
A mid-tier DIY retailer needed help streamlining their order process. MaxSource International was able to improve the process as well as take broader ownership of the supply chain. They chose our company for our sourcing expertise in China as well as our 25+ years of K&B experience.

Case Study 2. Safety Products
A client needed help improving the quality of his safety products. Before, he was ordering lower quality safety products from another supplier. But the poor quality was hurting his reputation and business.
We met with the client and led him through a process of discovering what product features were important to him and his customers. But we didn’t stop there. We provided a detailed comparison between our product and what he had been receiving from his previous supplier. Now the client fully understood his requirements and saw how we exceeded them. Our product is higher quality and competitively priced. The client also recognized and valued the services we provide; in effect we assumed total ownership of his supply chain and as a result sales have improved dramatically for our client.
Our client has received positive feedback from his customers and has made repeat orders of the safety products from our company.
Case Study 3. Kitchen Sinks
A wholesaler was receiving poor service and low-quality kitchen sinks from their supplier. They didn’t have experience or confidence in finding a new supplier on their own. They were referred to our company through a mutual contact because of our years of experience and our level of professionalism.
We owned the entire logistics process and were able to deliver high quality sinks, shipped on time and to customer’s specifications. The customer was so impressed with the level of detail and attention to packaging that they indicated, “we have never received such a perfect shipment.”
The wholesaler shifted all business from the original supplier to our company.
Case Study 4. Faucets
A DIY retailer with over 300 stores wanted to stay competitive in the market with high quality, good value products. We presented them with the opportunity to sell a very attractive faucet that had already been tested in the market and was well-received.
The faucet was so successful for the DIY retailer that they asked for additional products to add to their line.
They leveraged our experience in the K&B market and our access to the top manufacturers for their gain.